Acer Ecology is an ecological and wildlife consultancy with our main offices in Cardiff and Bristol. We also have a number of home-based ecologists throughout the UK. We can assist you by providing a full range of ecological and wildlife services from scoping and protected species surveys through to impact assessment, mitigation design, implementation, and monitoring. We can help make your journey through planning as painless as possible.
All specialist ecological areas are covered including bats, birds, great crested newts, dormouse, reptiles, water voles, badgers and invertebrates. As an ecological consultancy, the majority of our work is related to a wide range of planning and development projects from residential housing to renewable energy.
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Investigating the Use of Artificial Nest Boxes for Dormice: Implications for Survey Guidelines
Introduction In a recent study, scientists investigated the effectiveness of artificial nest boxes for dormice surveys. The hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) is an arboreal mammal, primarily active in the trees and visiting the ground... Read More
Latest research shows new ‘forever chemicals’ present in otters
In a recent study, scientists have uncovered the ongoing presence of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) pollution and the rise of new per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in English freshwaters, using the Eurasian otter (Lutra... Read More