Paul Hudson – Principal Ecologist

Head of Cardiff Office

Paul graduated with a degree in Environmental Biology from Reading University. He is a competent ecological surveyor with over 20 years experience in ecology survey and mitigation design.

His main area of expertise is in undertaking bat surveys, national vegetation classification, habitat surveys and preliminary ecological appraisals, and as a wind turbine and windfarm specialist. He holds licences to disturb bats, great crested newts, dormice and barn owls.

Connect with Paul on Linkedin.

Ruth Martin – Operations and Finance Manager

Ruth has over 7 years experience in the legal and ecology sectors. She manages finance, business operations, client care and other office based functions – basically anything that liberates our lovely ecologists to focus on ecology! Ruth is an animal lover with a keen interest in wildlife, conservation and public policy; she is vegan and alongside her work with Acer she obtained her MSc (with Distinction) in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law in 2020. She also volunteers as a Rescue Coordinator with Severn Wildlife Rescue. 

Gini Hoekstra – Ecology Support Officer

Gini is an English Literature graduate, specialising in Environmental Literature, who works as our Ecology Administrator. She is our first point of contact for our clients and handles our day to day quotations. Gini is a passionate vegan, and is always interested in learning more about conservation, tree identification, and anything ecology-based! She’s very happy to answer any queries you may have ahead of quoting with us.

Daisy Smith – Assistant Ecologist

Daisy graduated from the University of Southampton with a BSc in Zoology. During her time at Acer she has conducted surveys for numerous protected species including preliminary roost assessments, dusk and dawn surveys, reptile surveys, nesting bird surveys and great crested newt surveys. Daisy is also experienced undertaking biodiversity net gain assessments.

Becky Corley – Assistant Ecologist

Becky graduated with from Cardiff University with an MSc in Global Ecology and Conservation. She is acting as an assistant ecologist with experience in report writing and ecological surveying; whilst building skills in QGIS mapping and bat sound analysis software.


Isabel Humphries – Assistant Ecologist

Isabel recently graduated from Cardiff University with a BSc in Chemistry. Isabel acts as an assistant ecologist, building experience in ecological surveying and report writing, whilst gaining skills in QGIS mapping.



Peggy ‘bat sniffer’

Peggy is our professional sniffer dog. She has the important task of searching for bird and bat carcasses near wind turbine sites as part of post-construction monitoring. Unfortunately, some birds and bats collide with the turbines, but with the help of Peggy, we are trying to do our bit to understand the impact turbines may have upon these populations.

Peggy has poor IT skills and consequently is not on LinkedIn. In her spare time, Peggy can often be seen enjoying the surf on various South Wales beaches.